Act 2

Scene one


Now bridle your horse, cavalry maiden.

Soon a furious battle will blaze.

Brunnhilde must charge into battle, she must see the Volsung wins.

Let Hunding decide where he belongs.

I do not require him in Valhalla.

So make ready and quickly ride into battle.


Hoyotoho! Hoyotoho!

Heiaha! Heiaha! Hoyotoho! Heiaha!

Let me warn you, Father, make ready yourself.

You have to withstand a violent storm.

Fricka, your wife approaches, in her chariot drawn by rams.

Look how the golden whip cracks in her hand.

The poor animals are bleating with terror.

The wheels clatter furiously; shefs coming to pick a quarrel.

I prefer not to engage in skirmishes like this, much as I love bold menfs battles.

So see how you survive the storm.

I am glad to leave you in the lurch.

Hoyotoho! Hoyotoho!

Heiaha! Heiaha! Heiaha!


The old storm, the old trouble!

Yet I must make a stand.


In the mountains, where you hide yourself to escape your wifefs notice, here all alone I have sought you out since you must promise me help.


What troubles Fricka let her freely say.


I have observed Hundingfs distress;

he called on me to revenge him; the guardian of wedlock heard him, and firmly promised to punish the behavior of that impendent,

blasphemous pair who have openly wronged a husband.


What wrong did those two do when spring united them in love?

Lovefs magic bewitched them.

Who will atone to me for lovefs power?


How stupid and deaf you pretend to be, as if you did not really know that it is about marriage, a holy vow, vilely flouted, I am complaining.


Unholy I consider the vow that unites without love.

And please donft sagest that I should stop by force something not your concern.

For wherever forces rise boldly there I frankly encourage warfare.


If you grant respectability to adultery, then go on boasting and sanctify the incestuous fruit of this liaison between twins.

My heart stops beating, my brain reels: marital intercourse between brother and sister!

When did it ever happen that brother and sister were lovers?


Today you have seen it happen.

And learn from it that spontaneous occurrences may never before have occurred.

That these two ate in love must be clear to you: so listen to sensible advice.

Since sweet content will reward you for your blessing, them smile on love and bless Siegmund and Sieglinde union.


Is it the end, then, of the everlasting gods, since you brought those wild Volsung to birth?

I have spoken up?did I get your meaning?

You think nothing of your noble sacred family; you reject everything that you used to value.

You rip apart the bonds that you yourself have tied.

Laughing you let go your rule over heaven?

so as to gratify the mere pleasure and whim of these monstrous twins, your adulteryfs dissolute fruit.

Oh! Why do I protest about marriage and its vows since you were the first to break them?

Unceasingly you have cuckolded your faithful wife.

Into the depths and up to the heights everywhere you looked with lecherous eyes to see how your changing fancy might be gratified, and mock and wound me to the heart.

Much as it grieved me I had to bear it when you went into battle with those uncouth girls that a wanton fancy caused you to father.

For you still respected your wife enough to make the Valkyrie gang, and even Brunnhilde the bride of your desire, respect me as their sovereign.

But now that new pseudonyms are your idea, as Volsa, and like a wolf you prowled round the woods; now that you have abased yourself to the dregs of disgrace, and a vulgar human being has borne you twins?now you would sacrifice your wife to the she-wolffs litter.

Well go on and do it; full the cup full, trample on the wife you have cheated.


You have never learned, even when I tried to teach you, to be able to recognize action before they are accepted.

It is always convention that you understand, that alone.

Whereas deeds never done before are what occupy my mind.

Listen this once!

The crisis calls for a hero who, free from divine protection, will be released from divine low.

So alone he will be fit to do the deed which, much as the gods need it, a god is nevertheless prevented from doing.


With deep thoughts you are trying to confuse me.

What marvels could heroes perform that their gods were unable to do, by whose favor alone men can act?


Does their own bravery mean nothing to you?


Who inspired men with it?

Who lit up the foolsf eyes?

Under you protection they appear strong; through your goading they have their aspirations.

You alone inspire those whom you praise so to a goddess.

With new tricks you are trying to dupe me, by new ruses to escape me; but this Volsung you shall not keep for yourself.

In him I find only you, since through you alone he can act boldly.


In bitter sorrow he grew up by himself; my protection never sheltered him.


Then do not shelter him today.

Take away the sword which you gave him.


The sword?


Yes, the sword, the magical, strong, flashing sword that you ,the god, gave to your son.


Siegmund won it himself in adversity.


You created the adversity for him, just like the flashing sword.

Are you trying to delude me, who day and night have been dogging your heels?

It was for him you thrust the sword into the tree trunk.

You promised him the splendid weapon.

Are you going to deny, that your cunning alone brought him to where hefd find it?

With slaves no nobleman will fight.

A free man just punishes rogues.

Against your power I might go to war, but Siegmund, as a slave, must be my victim.

He, whose master you are, your slave and bondsman, must he exact the obedience of your immortal wife?

Must I suffer the disgrace of a guttersnipefs insults?

Be jostled by the impudent and mocked by the free?

My husband cannot wish for that, he would not profane a goddess so!


What are you asking for?


Hands off the Volsung!


Let him go his own way.


But you must not protect him when the avenger calls him to battle.


I will not protect him.


Look me in the eyes, donft try any tricks.

Keep the Valkyrie away from him too.


The Valkyrie shall do as she pleases.


Not at all: she carries out your wishes only.

Forbid her to let Siegmund win.


I cannot strike him down.

He found my sword.


Then take away its magic, let it break in your selffs hands.

Let his foe find him unarmed.




Here comes your brave girl, shouting as she gallops this way.




I called her to horse for Siegmund.


Your eternal wifefs sacred honor her shield shall protect today.

Men will laugh at us, our power will be lost and we gods will disappear, if today in a decent and respectable manner my rights arenft upheld by that bold girl.

The Volsung shall die for my honor.

Do I have Wotanfs oath on it?


Take my oath!


The father of hosts is waiting for you.

Let him tell you what plans he has made.